2018 Officiallyruined was first created when my dad had told me i was ruining my frs by lowering it too much and adding the rocketbunny kit. I had always wanted to create a brand but i wanted the brand to have meaning, not just words that i thought were cool. Once i came out with the brand it didnt hit to good, i felt something else was needed but i couldnt find it at the time. So i gave up on my dreams and stopped officiallyruined. But in november of 2020 i got COVID-19 and i was in the hospital for 2 weeks, and i as i layed there weak barely able to reach my food i thought to myself. If i die here today will anyone remember me? Will anyone ever remember the brand i had came out with? At that moment exactly the gentlemen next to me was worse and was on zoom with his family telling them he wishes he was able to do more with his life. The next day he was gone....... He inspisred me to bring my clothing brand back! Now after that i pushed myself to get better and stronger, i got on my tablet and began to draw my mascot! I wanted to draw something that caught peoples eyes, that screamed officiallyruined, i wanted to draw something that made me remember that night i was in the hospital. Something that says i know i will die someday but i died doing what i love to do! Then it hit me a smiling/laughing ghost! Thats when i came out with the ghost, he might not have a name yet but hopefully he inspires others to pursure there dreams no matter how high and no matter how hard! KEEP PUSHING!!!!